Saturday, August 22, 2009


• The recently reported one billion campaign fund doled-out by the CPP-NPA for Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamayan or MAKABAYAN senatoriables and PLGs in 2010 was let drop coming from NPA extorted companies and barangays around the country. Part of the said huge budget chunk for MAKABAYAN was also generated from Communist armies’ permit-to-campaign (PTC) and permit-to-win (PTW) schemes that garnered millions just last 2007 elections.

• PTC is a fund generation scheme played-out by the NPA during the height of local or national elections wherein it extorts candidates for cash as it permits them to enter Communist threatened or worst “influenced” areas. The pay-offs for this had been categorized by the NPA between the candidates aspired position and that of its political party.

• PTW is far too extreme. The NPA is making this an excuse to force residents to cast their votes on a political candidate that bid the highest. Civilians are often held at gun point by the NPA, leaving them no possible alternative. PTW works well for the Communist Party especially to Traditional Politicians (TRAPOs) and families wanting to claim dynasties.

• MAKABAYAN’s senatoriable- Satur Ocampo who once served the Communist militia during his leadership of the Southern Tagalog Regional Party Committee (STRPC) would be benefiting a total of fifty million pesos worth of fund machinery this coming 2010. Aside from Ocampo, three other senatoriables would sum-up a total of two-hundred million pesos.

• The NPA and MAKABAYAN had been plundering people’s money in broad daylight. The illegally-extracted 1 billion was claimed to be in support of patriotism and public-service as claimed by the political pool MAKABAYAN.

• Militant activists such as Ocampo knew pretty well that 50 million pesos is enough to feed 150,000 families of three-square meal. Like how GLORIA had been scrutinized for almost a million-worth dinner, Ocampo and others had to be dealt with the same way. The elections should not be made an excuse for politicians to make extravagant spendings. Especially, when the amount spent had been unlawfully elicited.

• Where else would MAKABAYAN dig up its fund? Other than the four solons’ pork barrels, the NPA fund machinery had been the next best choice. That is, with the prior declaration of support coming from CPP-NPA founder-Jose Maria Sison.

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