President Arroyo’s purported last State of the Nation Address (SONA) was untruthful, said outgoing Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Angel Lagdameo. According to him, the SONA delivered last Monday contained only half-truths since it did not tell the actual situation of the nation.
Her detractors say that the June 2009 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey on hunger showed that one in every five Filipinos had experienced “involuntary hunger” in the first quarter of the year. This translates to 3.7 million families experiencing hunger, up from 2.9 million in the previous February 2009 survey.
An SWS face-to-face survey in February 2009 also found that adult unemployment rose to 14 million from 11 million in the previous quarter.
Another detractor says that President Arroyo was in a combative mood, lashing at her critics for raising the martial law bogey and that she was determined to stay in her post no matter the cost.
The Facts
The state of the Philippine economy should be the best test on how President Arroyo’s administration has led the country in the past 8 years and in her 9th and last State of the Nation Address (SONA), even her critics have recognize her accomplishments in stirring the local economy to where it is now.
The Philippine economy saw unprecedented average growth rate, multiple increases in investments, largest job creation in history, and lowest total debt as a ratio of the domestic economy. Our economy posted uninterrupted growth for 33 quarters and more than doubled its size from $76 billion to $186 billion. The average GDP growth from 2001 to the first quarter of 2009 is the highest in 43 years.” The credit upgrade by ratings firm Moody’s Investor Service which was announced last week is proof of the “resilience of our economy.” The country’s economy weathered a succession of global crises in fuel, in food, then in finance and finally the economy in a global recession, never losing focus and with economic fundamentals intact.
The President has said very clearly that she's stepping down next year, but she will continue to govern until the last minute of her presidency. It's so clear.
The verdict
Those detractors are simply like empty cans – all noise, nothing inside. ##
It’s like a theme straight out of the Pinoys favorite past time - the soap opera . A gorgeous, cause-oriented heroine out to save her country from a vicious family of Gremlins and viruses called senators and congressmen; the heroine gets abducted by villains in soldiers uniform, only to release her later in a classy subdivision. Hordes of militant fans screaming for more drama, more action. Militant congressmen join the frenzy. The plot thickens with each passing day.
The Melissa Roxas story, Part 1, scene 1.
What a performance indeed, by Melissa Roxas! A performance worthy of an Urian Award. For the uninitiated, Melissa Roxas is a US-based Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) member who was reported to have been kidnapped by soldiers in Northern Luzon recently. Bayan is allied with the National Democratic Front and the New Peoples Army, which has been waging war against the government for close to 40 years now.
Now here’s the twist – hold your breath! Melissa, gorgeous heroine babe, is seen on Youtube slinging a rifle, in the company of the New People’s Army! Reports have it that the footage of Roxas swarming over the net was taken sometime this year in the highlands of Aurora. Something too unconventional for a mere human rights volunteer who led the public to believe she was on a “peaceful” exposure mission in the country, huh?
Knowing the Pinoy’s penchant for drama, we have been taken for a ride by the story-writers of the dreaded National Democratic Front, again.
Frankly, none of Roxas’ actions ever made sense. First, she drew international attention on her May 19th abduction by pinpointing suspects from the military - when in fact she earlier attested being blindfolded the whole time she was held in custody. She mentioned random nicknames which substantiate nothing. After almost a month of obviously getting her stories right into the States, she testified in the Commission on Human Rights with another dubious twist. This time, Roxas now claims she had a good glance of some of her abductors and would, in fact, be able to pinpoint them in due time.
Next, Roxas’ wavering interest in pursuing the case she herself filed in the Supreme Court seem to not fit into the plot the NDF has concocted. Was it only meant to thicken the plot, as mentioned earlier? It was not strange to the media that Melissa was a “no show” during her first two hearings in court. The case met a deadlock for nearly a month while Roxathe public and her “friend” in BAYAN-USA chose to put much importance on accepting press conferences abroad on her foiled “kidnap-slay” in Tarlac.
It seems, however, that the more drama Roxas and Bayan added to the case, the more unpalatable it becomes to the public and distasteful of its major sponsors – Satur Ocampo and Teddy Casino, who are practically begging to turn the Congress into another mock tribunal like the feast of gossip and media mileage presidentiables are getting in the Senate.
Is seems that the drama, after all, was meant only to destroy the credibility of the President during her visit to Mr Obama in the US of A. To alienate the government and the rest of the peace-loving Pinoys from foreign help, misters Ocampo, Casino and the rest of the Bayan concocted an intricate story. And Melissa Roxas willingly played as in its heroine, its loveable actress.
Melissa Roxas is not the victim of abuse in this story. It is the millions of Filipinos who have been manipulated and deceived by the National Democratic Front for close to 40 years now. And they continue to believe, to be manipulated, and deceived. All for the love of drama, and the soap opera.
5 o’clock am, July 27, 2009. It was a rainy Monday when I woke up. Too cold to do my morning routine, I thought of turning on the tube and watch the morning news break. As clicked on the remote control and as I switched to other news channels, the same issue on the SONA and the rally of various cause-oriented groups were the days menu.
The public seemed not only concerned with what Mrs Arroyo would have divulged in her last State of the Nation Address (SONA). What was disturbing was the seeming street party of various rights groups in along Common Wealth and Batasan avenues, who were either out-of-school youths ages seventeen and below, who were made to believe that they are to enjoy the short roaming of live stream cameras. Indeed, it seemed more of a party other than a gathering for a cause.
This phenomenon only explains the sad plight of cause-oriented groups in the country today. Gloria had been lambasted for her supposed machination of the law for her benefit. But had these moralists been looking at themselves in the mirror lately? Bayan Muna, to name one of the mobilization’s organizers was dragging unwary civilians and sadly teeners to a social effort they do not even comprehend.
Bayan Muna Representative Satur Ocampo had long claimed that Gloria was never true to her word. He openly accused the administration of its oversights particular on efficiently providing the people’s basic necessities. But what did Ocampo make of himself when he chose to play on random civilians to pose as his protesters other than creating laws that would alleviate the marginalized sector that he was sworn to represent in Congress? Is it not prostitution of the oppressed, when Ocampo and his rights groups tempt these masses to sell their democratic liberties?
Incidentally, I live in an area where various people of different status in life dwell. Some call it a slum but I call it home…and it has been my home for almost 35 years now. As I stood by my window, I saw Mang Pilo, a father of seven and a janitor in a nearby public school, about to bring his kids to school. On the other side, I saw Munyen in tears because her father Mang Felipe, who was at that time busy playing “tong-its”, wont allow her to go to school for reasons only God-knows. And from afar, I could see able-bodied “tambays” playing their guitar over a bottle of gin. The scenery only elicited a smile. I pondered.
Time and again, Gloria’s critics had somehow focused on her seeming frailties and inadequacies. Others were disgusted with how PGMA ran the entire government with corruption and issues about transparency. I have no problems with critics, lashing out against the administration for corruption, inefficiency, bureaucratic red tape among other things. However, I believe that we should give credit where credit is due and that we should be more constructive in our criticism instead of being obstinately and unreasonably critical. Reality bites: corruption in the government is very apparent and vultures in the administration are seemingly only into politics just to make money. They don't give a damn about those in poverty, as they just want to feather their own nests. Not a single leader, anywhere in the world, had miraculously led a perfect government. And that’s a fact! In fairness, I would say that the government did a nice job in its strategy on to address the global economic crisis, as we weren’t as badly hit as the rest of the world. Critics may disagree with me but believe it or not, the job of the President in balancing the budget, balancing GNP and GDP growth achieving inflation targets among other things is no small feat. The administration may have bean rocked with scandals, graft and corruption but at least, Gloria had somehow contributed to getting us through this global fiscal mess. The President may not have totally addressed hunger and poverty, but there were programs to as much as possible alleviate it.
To solve every Filipinos problem on money, education, and finances would, at the least, be a miracle for any president. It is impossible! There are only some who would strive hard for success while others would just wait for the food to be served. Now I understand why the likes of Mang Pilo enjoy their work so much that they send their children to school, and why the likes of Mang Felipe and the rest of the able-bodied “tambays” spend their time doing nothing when there are a lot of worthwhile things that still need to be done. We must all remember that we shape our destiny and the future lie in our own hands.
Mothering a struggling country with more than 80 million children with diverse characters is no joke! After everything has been said and done, it is still our responsibility to make this country a home where there is peace, love and justice for every one.##
It was August 2008 when the military launched and intensified its pursuit operations against the three rogue MILF Commanders who staged barbaric attacks against civilians in different parts of Mindanao particularly in North Cotabato, Lanao del Norte and Sarangani. These ruthless attacks were triggered when the Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (MOA-AD) was junked by the Supreme Court. After eleven months, families displaced by the occurring skirmishes were still sheltered in evacuation centers uncomfortably.
Four days before President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo delivered her State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 27, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) pleaded for the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to stop the war and resume peace talks immediately. Thousands of evacuees lined up on the highway stretch in Maguindanao to express their appeal of returning home. In response to the call, President Arroyo urgently issued the immediate suspension of military offensives (SOMO), providing a safe and organized environment as these evacuees returned to their respective homes and to provide a stable atmosphere for the sake of the resumption of peace talks between GRP and the MILF. The MILF likewise responded with its own Seccesation of Military Action, or SOMA.
The SOMO-SOMA declarations of both parties were focused mainly on the thought of these IDP’s situation and their welfare. It was more of a gift especially to most Muslim evacuees who are anticipating that they will no longer spend Ramadan on evacuation centers and that they can now live a normal life with their families at home. Though it was far from over, conflict has been gone in a fleeting time. But at the back of this small celebration, we cannot tell if this could be for the better, or it will just give those opportunists a chance to gather strength and formulate plans, if ever peace talks will not succeed. What if these lawless elements will take advantage of such peace process?
The suspension of military offensives of the government and military action of the MILF will just lead these lawless MILF group to regain their strength by collecting firearms and ammunitions, financial support from its foreign donors and recruitment for additional members. Thus, the said suspension will loosen security, allowing rogue rebels and its foreign terrorist allies to move freely and enable to conduct trainings in different camps especially in MILF’s duly recognized camps. Although the declaration of the MILF was sourced from their highly respected leaders which we, the people, rely for their sincerity in attaining peace, these possibilities are not far from reality.
Let us not be certain to what has been laid to us by the warring groups. As far as our security is concerned, we should still be vigilant by all means as we enjoy this effort made by the government and the MILF. Life, above anything, is what is at stake. We cannot deny the fact that despite of this progress, there are still doubts behind our minds. What if the much awaited peace talks will not prosper once again, chances are, another aggression will certainly happen and the worst is least expected. We cannot tell, how long could the cease fire last or how far can this peace progress reach. It fears us every time we remember that bloody attacks causing to the death of hundreds of civilians, and it scares the most if such will happen again and it is more aggressive, more violent than before.
Eleven months is long enough to bear the consequences brought by hostilities. What all we need is a genuine and unselfish intention to attain and sustain peace for the betterment of our land.
For the moment, lets just hope and pray that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front will make good its promises, for Mindanao and the rest of its people.
Anyone who had seen Melissa Roxas’ militia footage in youtube would think the same way. The self-proclaimed victim of Arroyo’s OBL-II, who was also in tears in front of cameras after she claimed to have been forced to admit she was a member of the NPA, got her unwanted karma. Just what kind of a rights activist is Melissa Roxas a.k.a “Ka Aya”?
The footage of Roxas swarming over the net was taken sometime this year in the highlands of Aurora. She, along with obviously underage recruits, was seen with rifles on. Something too unconventional for a mere human rights volunteer who led the public to believe she was on a “peaceful” exposure mission in the country. This was nonetheless the fitting piece of the puzzle that would depressingly nail her on a serious count of lying before the court of law and the people.
Frankly speaking, none of Roxas’ former actions make sense. First, she waved the red flag on her May 19th abduction by pinpointing suspects from the military, when in fact she earlier attested being blindfolded the whole time she was held in custody. She mentioned random nicknames which substantiate nothing. Cunningly, after almost a month of obviously getting her stories right in the US, she testified in the Commission on Human Rights with another dubious twist. Roxas, now claims she had a good glance of some of her abductors and is in fact able to pinpoint them in due time.
Secondly, Roxas’ wavering interest in pursuing the case she herself filed in SC. It was not strange to the media that the Fil-Am was a “no show” to the first two hearings of her charged writ of amparo. The case met a deadlock for nearly a month while Roxas and her “friend” in BAYAN-USA chose to put much importance on accepting press conferences abroad on her foiled “kidnap-slay” in Tarlac. The more drama Roxas and BM add on this case, the more disfavor it gets from Juan dela Cruz.
Thirdly, the timing of such a controversy was distinctly advantageous to the BM hierarchy (Satur Ocampo and Teddy Casiño) who both made early disclosures of their planned senatorial candidacy in 2010. The incident surrounding Roxas was even fitting to resurrect the dying claims of political oppression BM first filed against the supposed ransacking of one of its Chapters in Cagayan. It was the same incident lobbied by both Ocampo and Casiño to be investigated in Kamara. The two were practically begging to turn the Lower House into another mock tribunal like the feast of gossip and media mileage presidentiables are getting in the Senate.
Whose rights is Melissa Roxas safeguarding? Was it for the best interest of the leftist supportive TRAPOs to make it to the 2010 top brass? Or was it, for the Communist Party who had been exploiting “children” in their distorted cause of freedom?
Roxas is not a rights activist. She is best labeled a leftist patron.
The public is not only concerned with what Gloria might divulge in her last State of the nation Address (SONA). So far, the thinking masses are also disturbed with the all-out “street party” of various rights groups in Common Wealth and Batasan. Rallyists were seemingly picked-up from one corner to the next to simply muster a crowd worth media’s attention. They were either out-of-school youths ages 17 below who were made to believe that they are to enjoy the short roaming of live stream cameras. Unfortunately, it was more of a “party” other than a gathering for a cause.
Are rightist groups in the country this desperate? Gloria had been lambasted for her supposed machination of the law for her benefit. But had these moralists been looking at themselves in the mirror lately? Bayan Muna, to namedrop one of the mobilization’s organizers was dragging unwary civilians and sadly “teeners” to a social effort they do not even comprehend.
Bayan Muna Rep Satur Ocampo had long claimed that Gloria was never true to her word. He openly accused the administration of its oversights particular on efficiently providing the people’s basic necessities. But what did Ocampo made of himself when he chose to “pay” random civilians to pose as his protesters other than creating laws that would alleviate the “marginalized” sector that it asserted to represent in Congress? Is it not “prostitution” of the “oppress”, when Ocampo and his rights group tempt these masses to sold their democratic liberties? Or worst, Ocampo’s incessant disregard of the intentional abuses during protests that often involve dragging of children to simply invite public attention or pity?
If Bayan Muna accuses Gloria of putting-up political stunts during her SONA, they should also condemn themselves of pre-orchestrating indiscriminate “child labor” and prostitution of “able” individuals that help them muster a crowd. If Gloria was seen abusing her authority, Ocampo himself is doing just the same. Condemning the current head of state for her supposed plan to stay in power beyond people’s approval is but right. But we should also alarm ourselves of “politicized” honchos who by now are going against public morals, like Ocampo. We are too focused with pinning-down the one on top that we fail to examine the intents of the ones salivating for same position below. All eyes are on Gloria. Thus, no one is left prudent enough to watch over the dealings of her wanna-be successors.
Ocampo could do worst when he gains a notch higher in the Upper House by 2010. That is, as he plans to run for the senate. Leading a paid-protest is the last on his list of malpractices once he becomes another elected senator. Ocampo was abusive now. What guarantees do we have that he would not change for the worst, when he gets addicted to political power? Will he “pay” able-bodied citizens then pose as his moppets who will do as he pleases? Sad to say, Ocampo is on the benchmark for yet another nasty dictator.
New People’s Army (NPA) in Cagayan rejoices in the height of the controversial released of its leader Elizabeth Principe alias Ka Binay under the implementation of the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). JASIG or the supposed immunity guarantees doled-out by the government to pull the CPP-NPA back on the negotiating table is obviously doing more harm than good.
Principe, who is charged for robbery with murder under Branch 30 of RTC Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya left detention in wide smile knowing ofcourse that the cases filed against her would slowly be ruled-out with her newly-acquired “immunity” from the country’s laws. She was also the founder of the feared “Hukumang Bayan” that embrace kangaroo rulings and subjects summary execution all across Isabela and Cagayan.
Frankly speaking, the exploratory talks were for the benefit of both sides (government and the Communist Party). But the way the public weighs it, the negotiations are far advantageous on the CPP-NPA who by now is clearly making the most of the immunities their having. The handcuffed military and police steer clear on engaging armed engagements or even seizure of notorious guerilla leaders like Principe to presumably smoothen the course of the negotiation. However, the witty cadres are doing the opposite. For example the NPA-Negros’ show of force in Negros Occidental that killed 3 civilians and injured 3 others despite the re-enforcement of ceasefire and JASIG.
More or less, the release of Principe signaled an excuse for the CPP-NPA to go indiscriminate firefights that pays no attention to civilian casualties. Besides, being charged with murder and the same won’t hold water in court since their immunities under JASIG are acknowledged by law. They could kill whoever they choose in whichever place they please at whatever circumstances. JASIG simply loosened a mad dog that this government is stupidly trying to tame.
If the CPP-NPA-NDF were to live their supposed objective of getting peaceful reform, they would have totally disarmed themselves and embrace the folds of the law. But that would rather be unlikely. JOMA, for one, would never sell his freedom and live-up to the crimes he had done. He simply knew his crimes were far too horrifying for the public to forgive and forget. Like Joma who had ordered the deaths of thousands of civilian, military and erring cadres; Principe and others like him in the guerilla zones are as well guilty of high crimes like “genocide” in Northern Luzon. Would you really think they’d surrender to get persecuted when they can roam freely?
Setting loose a point-blank criminal is a detesting package wrapped under the thin “linen” of JASIG and the “unrealistic” peace talks between JOMA’s Reds. Is this the kind of peace we ought to achieve?
Just very recently, Philippines was once again shocked with series of explosions that killed more than a dozen individuals and scored hundreds of people wounded. Fear and apprehension gripped every Filipino citizen as these barbaric attacks could further impoverish the maralitas. Amid these pressing scenarios here comes the unscrupulous sectors of our society which sensationalize everything and blame these carnages to the government- a vicious cycle that every oppositionist will never be tired of doing.
It could be recalled that the 1971 Plaza Miranda bombing, which killed 9 people and wounded 95 others, was all blamed to have been perpetrated by the government. Never from our countrymen suspect the Communist Party of the Philippines as the initiator of such an incident until Victor Corpuz and Jovito Salonga came out in the open and surfaced the truth.
And history repeats itself. Opposition blames the Arroyo administration as behind the fresh waves of bombing attacks in the Philippines. This is inevitable since oppositions have always bloomed to denounce everything against the administration thereby influencing mass-base groups to rally along the streets divergent to government’s policies. The likes of Jose De Venecia, Vidal Doble and even Bro Eddie Villanueva have been so vocal to link all these “baseless” scenarios with the present administration. This clearly manifests opposition’s weakness and virtually gets its strength to earn media mileage and subsequently earn “pogi points”.
Before we believe the insinuations that the recent bombings were actually initiated by the government, it is important to doubt the personalities or groups issuing such accusations first, lest we fall yet again into their propaganda campaigns on the existence of such a scenario. They must give factual, tangible and qualified evidences to support their claims. Just like the Plaza Miranda incident, the opposition deliberately blamed Marcos to have plotted the scenario. It is possible that they will do it now, and over again while taking pleasure to see their fellow countrymen panicking over make-believe conspiracy. We must all remember that the Plaza Miranda bombing was the gravest sham the CPP-NPA had carried out of all times that they deliberately blamed on the government to incite the people against the administration.
We have been blinded and fooled time and again. Oppositions and other unprincipled communal groups have been playing the games at our expense, jeopardizing our country’s sovereignty. They say time heals all wounds…but the wounds in the past still haunt our aching democracy that truly impoverishes our besieged republic. Juan Dela Cruz has evolved from being the “puppet” to becoming the master of the show as he is right now, haunted by questions in his mind why GOD allows those evildoers to succeed. We are no longer the fool Juan who believes in some fantasies without contemplating the real score behind the scheme of things. This land has had enough. It’s time to prove our worth and do something worthwhile to protect our country and save it from any form of oppression.
Cotabato City- In line with PGMA’s program to enhance education, the Department of Education-ARMM in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Education Quality and Access for Learning and Livelihood Skills (EQuALLS2) Project, recently launches ARMM’s first Library Hub in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao. The Library Hub provides library facilities in public schools in the province and its nearby municipalities by making books available and that can be borrowed in volume by local teachers for 25 days, for them to use in classroom or for their students to borrow. With this initiative, children in the province will now have more opportunities to learn and be educated by reading good and quality books. The Hub provides up to 6,000 English, Math, and Science books which were donated by the US-based Brother’s Brother Foundation, one of the world’s largest private book donors. The Library Hub is a nationwide government project through the Department of Education to realize its objective of enhancing literacy by molding more Filipino children readers especially in places with poor literacy rate. The ARMM in particular, needs assistance in raising the literacy level since the region has posted to have the lowest literacy level nationwide, obtaining fewer social and economic benefits plus its suffering from the current armed skirmishes. Through this effort, students and the out of school youths who will benefit the library will improve their capacity in reading and broaden their learning skills. This would also be the answer to the problem in public schools having shortages in textbooks. The DepEd’s Library Hub is part of the government’s education program to reduce poverty as well as promote development in Mindanao. High illiteracy rate along with conflict and the lack of job-generating investments are the grounds why the region still endures poverty. The government vowed to support in all ways with its commitment to improve the quality of education and literacy of schoolchildren and the youth especially in far flung places. This is a big help for the people to improve their living and to the coming generation, having a better and brighter future. The government ‘s effort was supported by USAID’s EQuALLS2 Project, that has already provided 800,000 books to 741 public elementary schools in the ARMM and Regions 9 and 12, and will provide a million more books by 2011. It is helping the DepEd improve basic education in the ARMM and Regions 9 and 12 by supplementing educational infrastructure and materials, strengthening capacity for teaching English, math and science, and training out-of-school youth.
I was strolling the streets of Cotabato City after office hours, eager to get to the café across the street when I stumbled on an old, rusty spent shell casing. I never knew what caliber it was, or what gun it was fired from. I didn’t intend, after all, to learn whoever fired it, nor with whom it was intended for. After all, all I wanted was a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a muffin to go with it.
Thank heavens for the coffee! And the peace of mind, albeit temporary, from the rush of kidnappings and bombings which have rocked the fragile tranquility of late.
Looking at the paper in front of me, however, I realized that my jubilations were farfetched. A transition government, it said, is in the offing for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s now-besieged administration. Transition what? Government? It must be a joke, right?
Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez, erstwhile leader of Kilusang Makabansang Ekonomiya, who has been tagged as the origin of these jokes, must have been the funniest jester the church has ever produced! What is funnier now is that Iñiguez claims he had been influenced and harassed by National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales to sponsor the said proposal for the creation of a supposed Transition Revolutionary Government (TRG).
Let me explain why I think the public would not dare to take a bite at this “transition government”, in the first place the transition government like that of the Cory Aquino regime had served so much at the expense of political offenders who were later on freed- JOMA Sison, the greatest of all the Reds was one of those who was freed during her time and now remains at large. Secondly, during Cory’s time, it allowed several party lists to participate in her renowned “democracy” which later on created fatal political turmoil in the country as some of these political groups would contest in contrast to government’s rulings and policies. Thirdly, she failed to deliver many of the reforms necessary for the country’s advancement beyond poverty and corruption, not to mention the ongoing outcry over economic injustice and the continuing communist insurgency during her reign. And fourthly, the country has struggling economic resources which are obviously unable to sustain all its operational requirements when this is bound to commence.
Gonzales’ alleged influence over KME’s supposed TRG is by far the funniest moro-moro ever shown in the Philippine politics as this would mean practically selling the government to the sharks. The public knows very well that KME and the administration would never meet halfway for political “arrangements” especially that the former has completely differing political aims than that of the latter. They had recently called for public support for armed campaign thru junta in order to obliterate the present government system and subsequently establish the TRG. However, the public did not heed on their “call to arms” because the public saw nothing beneficial with chaotic takeover of the current government system.
We all live with the fact that no two people are the same neither leaders can do the same governmental processes over a period of time. This is not a judgment of a leader versus his/her capabilities and capacities of running a certain government, whatever forms we may call it. This is a matter of truthful leadership that is true to its essence and purpose without compromising the welfare of its citizenry. Our nation had passed all these odds and none from those “processes” had lifted our country from economic, political and social collapse through the years.
These are the prerequisites of the transition revolutionary government KME has been dying to achieve. Having experienced all these in the past, I realized that we may need lots of cups of coffee to stay awake and continue daydreaming for a better Philippine Republic. Would anyone dare to live in the “TRG era”?
Fil-American activist-Melissa Roxas decides to show-up in court on July 30, after disregarding the other two SC hearings on her filed writ of amparo against the AFP last June.
Chronology of Events
Roxas claimed that she along with two other colleagues identified as Edward Jandoc and Juan Carabeo were abducted by eight hooded abductors last May 19 in Lapaz, Tarlac.
Motive behind said incident, as claimed by BAYAN Muna, was presumably her supposed affiliations with the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Other than suffering from illegal arrest and detention, Roxas also claimed having been subjected to incessant torture, interrogation and assault for almost a week.
On May 25 2009, Roxas asserted that her captors released her in exchange of her silence; publicly divulging said incident would mean her “death”.
But in a day’s length, Roxas had her public “debut” regarding said abduction in the country’s dailies.
She even filed a petition for the issuance of writ of amparo before the Supreme Court against the members of the Philippine Army 7th Infantry Division in Tarlac last May 28th.
However, Roxas stood-up the first inquiry on her case last June 29 after she chose to leave right after filing her complaints.
Things that Don’t Add-up on Roxas’ Alibi
Why she was not killed in the first place?
If Roxas’ captors were true to their intents of “silencing” her, why would they be “generous” enough to set her loose?
Why let Roxas live in the first place; particularly when there is no guarantee of her continued “silence” on the matter? These good-for-nothing goons even gave her the opportunity to seek courts’ refuge on her case.
The captors could have easily gotten away with a perfect crime by burying all other material evidence including their very victims-Roxas and others.
Besides, no one could perfectly attest to said crime other than Roxas herself. Besides Roxas, there are no other substantive witnesses to said incident.
How was Roxas able to identify her Captors?
Synthesizing the instance of said abduction; Roxas attested that her captors wore hoods or bonnets by the time she was taken in La Paz. There is not a slightest possibility that Roxas could have had the opportunity of identifying them.
With the rationale Roxas had on who her captors were, it is obvious that she pointed-out militants’ “usual suspects” or the military.
Frankly speaking, by the time Roxas claimed she was abducted by members of the AFP the public could not help but speculate on whether she is in fact a member of the New People’s Army.
If Roxas was indeed a mere civilian, her basic instincts would have led her to conclude a long-list of possible suspects other than narrowing it down to the AFP. Only the terrorist-secessionist and the Communist groups in the country consider the AFP as their adversary. Hence, as Roxas claimed them her enemy; she had also claimed being affiliated with either of said threat groups.
What do Roxas mean with her claimed “exposure” mission?
Else, why don’t Roxas define her claimed “exposure” mission in toto to the public? What was she exposing herself to?
Exposure missions, as known to most college activists are their “ascension” to the Communist underground. This way, they engrossed themselves to the bigger picture of the NPA’s way of life and struggle.
This is not something Roxas could utterly deny when she is in front of renowned academe intellectuals.
Roxas’ affiliations precede her iconic nature. She is first and foremost an activist who is surrounded by identified militants and NPA ranking-leaders in the country. “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell who you are?”
In fact, Juanito CARABEO was a known NPA member in Bataan. Civilian witnesses identified his participation during the NPA-led harassment of Orani Town Hall located Orani, Bataan in 2004.
CARABEO has three (3) standing warrants of arrest issued underCC Nr 11125 for murder by Judge Manuel Tan of RTC Br-2 dated (Feb. 01, 2008); CC Nr 11137 for rebellion/insurrection by Judge Manuel Tan of RTC Br-2 dtd (Feb. 18, 2008); and, CC Nr 11149 for rebellion/insurrection (Feb 15, 2008).
Furthermore, John Edward JANDOC is also an active member of CLRC-Bataan. In addition, JANDOC was the son of NPA leaders-Ana JANDOC and Finance Officer of Nueva Ecija NPA -Provincial Command- Hilario GUIO.
Truth as Claimed by Roxas’ Fellow Cadre
According to factionalized group of Tiamzon-sympathizers in Southern Luzon, particularly the NPA’s Central Luzon Regional Committee (CLRC) asserts that Roxas was staged-managed by Bayan Muna leaders to insinuate a controversy where Satur Ocampo, Teddy Casiño and Liza Masa could end-up like “heroes”.
To draw media and public support for their early 2010 senatorial candidacy the three are practically tying their names on every issue that sell.
Roxas coordinated her stay in the country with BAYAN-USA, who then endorsed her to BAYAN-National that likewise directed her to BAYAN-Tarlac.
Philippines was rocked with riddling explosions that devastated not only the physical structure of our country’s besieged foundation but more than anything else, it created a psychological turmoil which crumbled every Juan Dela Cruz’s serene mind. The first explosion was on June 28 at the ground of the Ombudsman. Few hours later, two unexploded IEDs were recovered at the Department of Agrarian Reform in Manila. Series of bomb attacks took place in Datu Piang, Maguindanao on July 4, injuring three persons; in Cotabato City on July 5 which left six dead and 50 others injured; in Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte on July 6 which damaged a power facility; and the July 7 twin blast in Iligan City injuring 17 people and in Jolo, Sulu that six killed and at least 40 people wounded.
Expectedly, the series of explosions created varied notions from different sectors of our society; especially those from the anti-government forces which linked such “scenarios” to have been “designed” by the government in view of the circulated Oplan August Moon allegedly being cooked up by PGMA’s allies and connections inside the military.
On the other hand, the MILF is time and again quick to deny their involvement on said explosions despite all evidences recovered from the various scenes of the incident prove otherwise as most of the IEDs had obvious signatures of the group’s handiwork. Information gathered from an unspecified inside source revealed that the MILF has deliberately joined with other destabilization role players in staging said atrocities and has a pre-agreed plan to issue a subsequent denial on their involvement. This was a calculated move they knew would put the military on the list of perpetrators given the circulating talks of a coup plot.
As agreed, the political opposition groups and the Communist Party of the Philippines would respectively insinuate that the military was behind the series of blast to create a scenario that would warrant a declaration of a Martial Law in the country. Few hints here and there of a supposed military-instigated bombing would cause the people to believe the August Moon plan and supposed plan of PGMA to perpetuate herself to an extended stay in power.
The source further disclosed that the resurfacing of Vidal Doble already indicates that the political opposition specifically Senator Panfilo Lacson was one of those who are whispering about an alleged government plot under August Moon. It can be recalled that it was Lacson who has persistently demanded that the Hello Garci controversy must be reopened and investigated by the senate in 2007. He did this by giving a privilege speech on the floor while showing a video footage of Doble claiming the “Project Lighthouse” in 2003. Lacson, who is now on the hot seat with the return of Cezar Mancao over the Dacer-Corbeto slay case is said to be behind the talks together with ERAP who is also being implicated in said case.
Accordingly, talks of a military coup blessed by PGMA also play into the grand scheme of Ping Lacson to install a Transitional Revolutionary Government (TRG). In fact, a ten-paged proposal of so-called third force establishing a TRG has been proliferated among the AFP’s chain of command. The intention behind said move is to instill division within the state’s armed forces, which are apparently elemental in the pursuit of the supposed military junta plotted against the GMA administration.
As planned, the junta would immediately follow the grounding of the TRG under ruling and discretion of the TRC or the Transitional Revolutionary Council where a certain “Head of State” speaks for the entire body and is the state’s “figure head”. Courted for the said position is no less that former president Cory Aquino who is merely cast to gain public’s confidence. Ruling behind the Aquino is no-less than Sen. Ping Lacson with the furtive consent of the TRC.
This is no joke! Players of this so-called moro-moro are using the entire Filipinos as puppets who are at the end the poor victims of the show. They get their strength from our innocence and unscrupulously play the games at our expense. This has got to stop. We’ve had enough and we suffered a lot in the past. Juan Dela Cruz will never allow anyone to ruin what he has bravely fought and he will be watchful to zealously protect his country from any form of tyranny. Will you join him for this cause?
What made the leaders of the Communist Party of the Philippines to suddenly change their minds and seek out representatives of the government for another shot at the peace talks? Apparently, a source within the four-decade old insurgency sees Jose Maria Sison’s unexpected flip-flopping adventure with regard to negotiating peace as a clear manifestation that the government has finally succeeded in putting a dent in the CPP’s armed struggle. The information culled from the source suggests that JOMA and his close minions are already feeling the long arm of our justice system as majority of their close associates are now facing criminal charges either while evading arrests or are currently incarcerated in one of the country’s existing penitentiaries. According to him, there is now a general feeling of threat among their ranks as most of their hardcore leaders are now incommunicado from the movement. On July 17, the government is set to officially declare the lifting of the suspension of the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees or JASIG or a month before the preparatory and formal peace talks will take place between the GRP-NDFP panels. It was learned that the lifting of the JASIG suspension was one of the key pre-conditions set by Jose Maria Sison, Luis Jalandoni and Fidel Agcaoili during their back-channel talks with two of the GRP panel’s representatives, Nieves Confesor and Atty Segfrey Candelaria, who specifically went to The Netherlands last June 15, 2009 upon the CPP’s incessant invitation to start preliminary talks on peace. The latest move of JOMA is now being looked upon by his subordinates scattered here in the country with utmost suspicion as he was previously quoted saying in 2005 that “the NDFP is prepared not to negotiate any more with the GRP under the Arroyo regime”. Some of their comrades are considering their leaders’ sudden shift to peace talks as either an attempt to sell their long-drawn armed struggle in exchange for electoral posts – as evidenced by the creation of the Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan or MAKABAYAN and their zealous effort to position themselves within the government – or that JOMA is secretly abandoning his comrades in arms as an alternative to graciously stepping down for Benito Tiamzon to assume the leadership. Whatever Jose Maria Sison’s reasons may be, the government must view the sudden turn of events with much analysis and assess their position on the matter to assure that their camp will not face the losing end of the whole bargain, yet again. As a starter, the government must at all cost demand from the CPP leadership a directive ordering their members to temporarily cease all hostilities – against military and civilian targets – to prove their sincerity on the peace talks.
The press releases and allegations of Former Speaker Jose De Venecia (JDV) sounded alarming – not only on the part of the Arroyo Administration but also for the Filipino people. But for the people who knew him too well, it was best regarded as a superficial political bull- out. Speaking like a true-blue “impostor”, who had worn a mask all throughout this years, De Venecia is again redeeming his most renowned “naturalesa”.
I am a retired military officer turned businessman that had been starting life as a civilian. Aside from working for the AFP where I pledged to serve and protect this nation’s sovereignty, I also became an executive member of the Reform the Armed Forces Movement- Young Officers Union-Soldiers of the Filipino People (RAM-YOU-SFP). It was my way of safeguarding the best interest of the armed forces and my co-comrades in uniform. To which by now, I could not help but regret. My insensitivity and narrow-mindedness then got me hooked to politicians who wanted nothing less but feel good about themselves. More or less they wanted the coveted presidency to the point that I myself was exploited.
The search for reform was ridden-on by TRAPOs politicized affairs. Soldiers like me were ordered like moppets to do the bidding of one politico to the next. Undesirably, this include dirty antics that made us used our riffles for all the wrong reasons. We plotted coup attempts. We were turned into some honchos private-armed group. This is where I get acquainted with former Speaker Jose De Venecia. In fact, I would love to remind him of “who” and “what” his family became during his almost invulnerable speakership.
Former House Speaker De Venecia, Sir:
How can you easily point fingers on the military as orchestrators of the recent bombings in Metro Manila and in Mindanao? You knew very well how the armed forces kept your home and millions safe. Even a disgruntled few worked on your behalf. Wrong as it was, lost sheep from the army you now despise provided your much needed ”political security before. Now, isn’t it too unfair that your quick rationale of “usual suspects involve the military who as accorded by reports have lost and wounded not just one but a handful of comrades? That you have no respect left for the insignias they wore and the uniform they died with?
Yes, some were weak enough to be played under your palms. There is no denying that Army BGEN DANILO LIM, GEN REYNALDO BEROYA, COL REK KAPUNAN, COL EMMANUEL ANDAYA, “BOY” MALIGALIG”, CPO Jojo IRAD, Ret. NISF soldiers, SAF and Junior Officers of RAM-YOU-SFP were your “boy toys” during your ambitious desire for the 1998 presidency. If I may, this same band of renegades, where behind you during your Operation Forbes Park.
For one, you had them plant 200 fiber optics connecting lines inside your overhang cabinet to teletap just about every identified enemies you have in Congress. You made them reconstruct your entire household into a surveillance center.
But nevertheless, you are misled by your ego-serving logics to think BGEN LIM represents the entire AFP. Not everyone underneath the military camouflage could be prostituted or bought. Your wife, Gina, could very well attest to that. Mrs. De Venecia was herself a political menace. Had it not disturbed her that she offered a former junior officer to eliminate a relative of yours who was then a big name in show business? Your good wife got impatient of the five million unpaid debt that she was willing to have one’s neck paying for it. What even made Mrs. De Venecia mad was that the junior officer denied her of her request. The good lieutenant denying a powerful solon’s wife of her wishes would forever have my utmost admiration. Frankly speaking, he represents the bedrock of the AFP’s commitment to just and country.
I was there Sir; behind you in your manipulative years. Quiet but thinking. Afraid of what my actions could make. The fact that back then I looked up to you disgusts me today. I was revolting against a beast that was with me the entire journey. I was misled to think you were different.
You had too many chances to have redeemed yourself but you blew them off altogether. Nothing weakened your tenacity for too much power. Obviously Sir, I was far a better animal than you are. I had made peace with myself.
This nation deserves so much more. My peers in the battlefield ought to have better leaders commanding them. Thus, as my last shot of doing good for this state, I ask that the truth be dug-up. I am calling the attention of the Lower House to investigate on the illegal acts of De Venecia and others like him. Thank you very much and may the truth set us free.
Sincerely Yours,
Ret COL BILLY B. VASQUEZ Former Member, Exe Com-RAM