Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A sight for sore eyes!

Anyone who had seen Melissa Roxas’ militia footage in youtube would think the same way. The self-proclaimed victim of Arroyo’s OBL-II, who was also in tears in front of cameras after she claimed to have been forced to admit she was a member of the NPA, got her unwanted karma. Just what kind of a rights activist is Melissa Roxas a.k.a “Ka Aya”?

The footage of Roxas swarming over the net was taken sometime this year in the highlands of Aurora. She, along with obviously underage recruits, was seen with rifles on. Something too unconventional for a mere human rights volunteer who led the public to believe she was on a “peaceful” exposure mission in the country. This was nonetheless the fitting piece of the puzzle that would depressingly nail her on a serious count of lying before the court of law and the people.

Frankly speaking, none of Roxas’ former actions make sense. First, she waved the red flag on her May 19th abduction by pinpointing suspects from the military, when in fact she earlier attested being blindfolded the whole time she was held in custody. She mentioned random nicknames which substantiate nothing. Cunningly, after almost a month of obviously getting her stories right in the US, she testified in the Commission on Human Rights with another dubious twist. Roxas, now claims she had a good glance of some of her abductors and is in fact able to pinpoint them in due time.

Secondly, Roxas’ wavering interest in pursuing the case she herself filed in SC. It was not strange to the media that the Fil-Am was a “no show” to the first two hearings of her charged writ of amparo. The case met a deadlock for nearly a month while Roxas and her “friend” in BAYAN-USA chose to put much importance on accepting press conferences abroad on her foiled “kidnap-slay” in Tarlac. The more drama Roxas and BM add on this case, the more disfavor it gets from Juan dela Cruz.

Thirdly, the timing of such a controversy was distinctly advantageous to the BM hierarchy (Satur Ocampo and Teddy Casiño) who both made early disclosures of their planned senatorial candidacy in 2010. The incident surrounding Roxas was even fitting to resurrect the dying claims of political oppression BM first filed against the supposed ransacking of one of its Chapters in Cagayan. It was the same incident lobbied by both Ocampo and Casiño to be investigated in Kamara. The two were practically begging to turn the Lower House into another mock tribunal like the feast of gossip and media mileage presidentiables are getting in the Senate.

Whose rights is Melissa Roxas safeguarding? Was it for the best interest of the leftist supportive TRAPOs to make it to the 2010 top brass? Or was it, for the Communist Party who had been exploiting “children” in their distorted cause of freedom?

Roxas is not a rights activist. She is best labeled a leftist patron.

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