It’s like a theme straight out of the Pinoys favorite past time - the soap opera . A gorgeous, cause-oriented heroine out to save her country from a vicious family of Gremlins and viruses called senators and congressmen; the heroine gets abducted by villains in soldiers uniform, only to release her later in a classy subdivision. Hordes of militant fans screaming for more drama, more action. Militant congressmen join the frenzy. The plot thickens with each passing day.
The Melissa Roxas story, Part 1, scene 1.
What a performance indeed, by Melissa Roxas! A performance worthy of an Urian Award. For the uninitiated, Melissa Roxas is a US-based Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) member who was reported to have been kidnapped by soldiers in Northern Luzon recently. Bayan is allied with the National Democratic Front and the New Peoples Army, which has been waging war against the government for close to 40 years now.
Now here’s the twist – hold your breath! Melissa, gorgeous heroine babe, is seen on Youtube slinging a rifle, in the company of the New People’s Army! Reports have it that the footage of Roxas swarming over the net was taken sometime this year in the highlands of Aurora. Something too unconventional for a mere human rights volunteer who led the public to believe she was on a “peaceful” exposure mission in the country, huh?
Knowing the Pinoy’s penchant for drama, we have been taken for a ride by the story-writers of the dreaded National Democratic Front, again.
Frankly, none of Roxas’ actions ever made sense. First, she drew international attention on her May 19th abduction by pinpointing suspects from the military - when in fact she earlier attested being blindfolded the whole time she was held in custody. She mentioned random nicknames which substantiate nothing. After almost a month of obviously getting her stories right into the States, she testified in the Commission on Human Rights with another dubious twist. This time, Roxas now claims she had a good glance of some of her abductors and would, in fact, be able to pinpoint them in due time.
Next, Roxas’ wavering interest in pursuing the case she herself filed in the Supreme Court seem to not fit into the plot the NDF has concocted. Was it only meant to thicken the plot, as mentioned earlier? It was not strange to the media that Melissa was a “no show” during her first two hearings in court. The case met a deadlock for nearly a month while Roxathe public and her “friend” in BAYAN-USA chose to put much importance on accepting press conferences abroad on her foiled “kidnap-slay” in Tarlac.
It seems, however, that the more drama Roxas and Bayan added to the case, the more unpalatable it becomes to the public and distasteful of its major sponsors – Satur Ocampo and Teddy Casino, who are practically begging to turn the Congress into another mock tribunal like the feast of gossip and media mileage presidentiables are getting in the Senate.
Is seems that the drama, after all, was meant only to destroy the credibility of the President during her visit to Mr Obama in the US of A. To alienate the government and the rest of the peace-loving Pinoys from foreign help, misters Ocampo, Casino and the rest of the Bayan concocted an intricate story. And Melissa Roxas willingly played as in its heroine, its loveable actress.
Melissa Roxas is not the victim of abuse in this story. It is the millions of Filipinos who have been manipulated and deceived by the National Democratic Front for close to 40 years now. And they continue to believe, to be manipulated, and deceived. All for the love of drama, and the soap opera.
Melissa Rojas for Best Actress!!##
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