The world now is a dangerous place to live and the people are difficult to trust. Yet we look forward on reforming ourselves to become better individual by listening and acting to the word of God through our priests. But what is this erring connotation that other priests are openly used by the enemies of the state? Are they’re for God or pretending to be for God?
The ordained minister fulfills his threefold work as a priest, prophet and minister (king) and in the community the priest presides is a community formed by the Word of God- a Eucharistic, prophetic and ministerial community. He brings the Good News to all conditions and status of human life, reaches out to the sick and disabled community, the poor and victimized in society. He makes real to the Christian community the Christ’s love of preference for the poor.
But how come some priests neglect their responsibility? The ongoing issue was held with regards to some priests of who are allegedly favoring the policies of the leftists group. We all know that these so-called “revolutionist”, even saying they are for the good of the people, yet they still radiating war and violence in our society. They implement violence in order to get what they want and have the power to control it. They are self- praising individual who always disagree to the government but they still do nothing to help the society. They are enemies of the state and only ensuring that all people will believe in their lies and deceiving actions.
“While priests must distance themselves from politics in order to favour the unity and communion of all the faithful, thus becoming a point of reference for everyone", a quote from Pope Benedict XVI instructing our priest to be neutral and function responsibly to our society. The priest should not allow themselves be used for communism. How will they able to unite people if they are also allowing violence to happen? How will they tell themselves “disciples of God” if they allow evil to eat their souls? How will they able to function well if all they do is to deceive people claiming that they are holy but the truth is that they demons in disguise? They become rotten flesh and their names will soon be disappeared that no one would able to remember it.
It only proves the saying “keeping the enemies closer”. Communist used our priest to stay enclose to the community to be able to gain control of it. Or let me say priest are allowing themselves to be possessed by the demons of our society. How could we trust them if they let all of this happen? Priest may have those weaknesses for they are human like us but they possess human reason to distinguish what is right to what is evil. They should know better for they are chosen people of God to lead nation for good and be close to Him.
Let priest be faithful to their responsibility as God gave it. Let their names be holy and their soul be blessed. Let not them be painted with grave sins and be of high moral. If they want to be part of this violent- related group, stop calling your names as “disciples of God”. Beware of them!
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