The foreboding over a possible no-election scenario by next year is as prevalent as the rumored grounding of a transitory government to be dominated by members of the Political Opposition. After the controversial 12-paged Transitory Revolutionary Government or (TRG) proposal that was handed-out among 2008 AFP generals groomed to turn-down PGMA, another “legit” coup d’état is on the rise through Isabela Rep. Ed Joson’s House Bill 3194 which compels the public to swallow-in presidential hopefuls like Senators Loren Legarda and Panfilo Lacson. For a consolation, the public is believed that the “Transitory Council”, comprised of influential civil society groups and solons from the Opposition base camp to act as a collective body instituted to divide the presidential control and keep the appointed Head of State on its toes.
But can we count on this? How sure are we that TRG or HB 3194 stays on track and not be a venue for a totalitarian rule of a non-elected “Head of State”?
As explained in HB 3194, the need for an alternative government once failure of election sets will ensure that PGMA would not be extending her term of office. But it falls short in guaranteeing that the Transitory Government would not be further exploited for the benefit of few presidential hopefuls who simply can’t win Malacañang over a fair and square election. This was also the same alibi used to raise the concession towards a TRG takeover in mid of 2008. However, rather than quelling one democratic threat involving the spoke-about term extension of PGMA, TRG and HB 3194 are no less propelling a no-el and even worse a “dictatorship’. The people conspiring behind it are TRAPOs who are not worth trusting. They all live in the same ego-centric lifestyle where their self-serving interests subdue the welfare of the state.
Instead of putting a leash on the current administration, this actually puts fangs on the opportunistic few to destabilize the government by “financing” or “masterminding” destabilization efforts that could easily be blamed on the Arroyos. Besides, Arroyo has been a fitting scapegoat minding the twin issues of graft slammed during her administration. The public could easily accuse Arroyo of power grip. Thus, giving few TRAPOs the favorable arena where they can twitch facts with the public’s roundabout consent.
Comparing the two plots that ought to oust PGMA and install a “caretaker” government, it has been interestingly noticeable that Sen. Lacson’s name predominates Legarda’s. He was clearly the 2008 TRG originator and now the fiddled Head of State under the dish-out Transition Bill in KAMARA. Considerably, Lacson may have more than what meets the eye over the transition schemes. Perhaps, this explains why he backed out of the presidential race. Else, he would not be dogging his way out on the PAOC-TF hullabaloos. Moreover, it is an open-secret that he is out to clear his name in the Dacer-Corbito murders by nailing the blames
on his former Chief Erap Estrada.
Portraying the good guy amidst the fiasco over erring politicians nowadays would give him an edge over other statesmen including Sen. Legarda, who was also pointed out in HB 3194. Legitimizing a swift overturn of PGMA’s presidency is not enough to make it appealing for the masses to sink their teeth into. Other than demonizing Gloria and winning the Congress’ blessing, there is of course the need to get a hold of people’s confidence. This way, Lacson could claim he won the Filipino’s favor; by putting-up dirty antics and public stunts.
In fact, out of the twelve seated 2007 senators who will be tidied up as the Transitory Council, seven have already been wooed by Lacson to favor him when HB 3194 is pushed. That is, exempting Senators Manny Villar and Cayetano who are still in “word war” with Lacson. This number gives Lacson the flattering lead when matched up to Legarda. Practically, all that he needs right now, are “agitators” that could help generate no-el. To which, DOE Sec. Angelo Reyes could be aligned. Sec. Reyes who had been corresponding with Lacson has unexpectedly dropped the bomb about a possible black-out on election D-DAY. Reyes was plainly instigating baseless rumors that could fuel qualms over a no-el. Apparently, his correspondence with Lacson is building-up a good route for a fitting plan to sabotage the nearing election.
Should we be sitting-ducks as Lacson, among others, railroads his Martial Law rule? By the time coup spoils the law of the land and disrupts the flow of the republic, there is no assurance that an ad hoc government stays “temporary”. The TRG would be calling the shots. The Council, made-up no less by Lacson minions, could lengthen the Head of State’s rule as they please.
Is this really why we battle against Gloria’s term extension? To hand Malacañang over to Lacson who would in turn use it to build his totalitarian empire?